

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Networking of BNI Nexus Chapter

98% of businesses rely on referrals or client’s recommendation one way or another. Unfortunately less than 3% has any strategy to generate it.
Word-of-mouth has long been recognized as one of the most cost-effective form of marketing. Very few really know how to network or generate word-of-mouth effectively. One thing is certain; you will need to generate word-of-mouth yourselfHow can BNI help me and how does it work?
The member earns an exclusive right to market his product and services within the group. Thus, in a group, none of your competitors can participate.

What are the benefits?
Members will enjoy an increase in business and clients.  Being in BNI is like having a free sales force. BNI’s appeal is also its provision of a continuous education system made possible through workshops and forums which focus on business related skills.

How do I Participate?
No amount of literature could possibly explain BNI. It can only be experienced! Visit us and see for yourself.  Participation is strictly by invitation. My group is currently looking for people to whom we can refer business. I would like to personally invite you to attend so that you can see for yourself how you would be able to generate a steady source of new business for yourself.

You are cordially invited to the Networking of Nexus Chapter to be held at:
Venue : Buffalo Kitchen ( Above Chawan ) 69-1, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
Date    : Every Thursday
Time    : 7:00am sharp to 9.00am in the morning. Please be punctual or arrive earlier. The Networking session starts at 6:45am.

For catering purpose, please RSVP by calling my HP:  +60123063994                                         
There is a networking and meeting door fee with breakfast included charge of RM30 per person.

PS: Please let me know if you like to come with a business friend. Bring at least 50 - 60 business cards to network.