

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ING I Deal Income

Financial planning is essential in every step of our lives safeguarding us in an ever-changing tomorrow. Ideally, wouldn’t it be great if we could have a financial plan with consistent returns and also the best protection against life’s uncertainties?
Look no further, ING I-Deal Income is here to offer a plan with a shorter commitment duration which offers a bright and secured financial future! This newly designed product comes with guaranteed annual cash payments, an increasing insured amount and most importantly, a limited premium paying term!
This is an ideal income plan which is able to make financial planning easy for you because tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today!

Income plan
offers you:
1)LIMITED premium paying period of 20 years
2)GUARANTEED annual cash payment of 2.5% starting from the end of 5th policy year till end of 8th policy year.
3)GUARANTEED annual cash payment of 3.5% starting from the end of 9th policy year till end of 20th year.
4)GUARANTEED annual cash payment of 4.5% starting from the end of 21st policy year till maturity.
5)EXTRA returns in form of dividends
6)INCREASING insurance protection on death and total permanent disability
7)EXTRA protection if death or total permanent disability occurs as a result of an accident.
8)INCOME RIDER – Increases Guaranteed annual cash payment (2) – (4) to 5.0% from the 5th policy year till the maturity.

1 Insured Amount is also known as Sum Insured in the policy contract
2 Also known as Interim Cash Payment in the policy contract
3 % of initial insured amount
4 Dividends are not guaranteed and they consist of Cash Dividend and Terminal Dividend
5 Coverage for total permanent disability is up to age 65
6 Coverage for accidental death is up to age 70 while accidental total permanent disability is up to age 65

The brochure contains only a brief description of the product and is not exhaustive. For a detailed explanation of its benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions, please refer to policy contract.